September Updates
Reflecting on some achievements made possible by the Lord's guidance this month. The children's ministries in various locations across Ayeyarwady Region are thriving incredibly. Our missionaries tirelessly navigate the challenging conditions in the country following the coup. Their courage in spreading the good news to those who are lost is truly inspiring.
Mr. Saw Ye Zaw Htet, a non-believer accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and savior. He was baptized by Pas. Issac. It is our hope and prayer that Mr. Saw Ye Zaw Htet will deepen his understanding of the word of God and strive to be an obedient follower of Jesus.
The images below vividly show that a church transcends the confines of its physical structure and does not require luxury. It is inspiring to learn from our missionaries that church services can take place even in remote locations.