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               ARTICLE 1. Name, Location, Founder, Date of establishment, Logo, and Motto


Section 1. Name: This ministry is known as Shekinah Abundant Life Ministry. 

Section 2. Locations: The locations of the organization are India, Japan, Myanmar and USA. 

Section 3. Founder: This ministry was founded by God who gave the responsibility of leadership to Samuel Chhachhai and his family.

Section 4. Date of establishment: This ministry was established on the 15th of December 2010 in Shillong City, Meghalaya State, India.

Section 5. Logo:The logo of the ministry includes the cross in a circle with its established year. 

Section 6.Motto: The motto of the ministry is “Abundant Life”or “Overflowing Life” 

 [ John 10 : 10; 7 : 38 ].


           ARTICLE 2: Headquarters and Regional offices:

Section 1. Headquarters: The headquarters [ main office ] is where the president resides.

Section 2. Regional offices: The regional offices shall be where the directors reside.


              ARTICLE 3.  Affiliation and Relationships:

The government of the ministry is vested in the body of believers who compose it. It is an autonomous body subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body.


              ARTICLE 4. Vision, Mission, and Objectives

Section 1. Vision: Presenting the gospel of Christ to all nations and making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ for His kingdom [ Matthew 28 : 19 ]. 

Section 2: Mission:To be Christ centered, mission oriented and to care for God’s children with love [1 John 4:7 ]. 

Section 3. Objectives 

  1. To carry out the gospel of Christ to all the world and win lost souls into the fold of the Lord [ Mark 16 : 15 ].

  2. To teach and guide the children of God to come to the knowledge of the truth [ 1 Timothy 2:4; John 8 : 32 ].

  3. To bring up active soul winners through discipleship, leadership, and missionary training [ Matthew 28 : 19; 2 Timothy 2 : 1 - 2 ].

  4. To establish the church [the body of Christ ] to the unreached                           [ Matthew 16 : 18 ].

  5. To strengthen God’s children to have abundant life and to be Christ-like day by day [ John 10 : 10; Romans 8 : 29 ]. 

  6. To unite people in Christ for mutual help, encouragement and assistance to others [ Romans 12 :9 - 18 ]   

  7. To send God’s chosen ministers to the unreached [ Acts 13 :1 - 3 ].                                                                                                                                                                    

          ARTICLE 5. Activities                                                                                                Section 1. Soul winning programs [ campaign / crusade ] [ According to the schedule ],

Section 2. Discipleship training [ according to the schedule ],

Section 3. Leadership training   [ according to the schedule ], 

Section 4. Ministers gathering prayer meetings [ according to the schedule ],                         Section 5. Personal evangelism in season and out of season.          


             ARTICLE 6. Teaching, Preaching, and Healing

Section 1. Teaching the Word of God [ the truth ] systematically [ Matthew 4 : 23; 2 Timothy 3 : 16 ].

Section 2. Preaching the Gospel of Christ to the people [ Romans 1 : 16;                     1 Corinthians 1 : 18 ],

Section 3. Emphasizing on spiritual healing [ Ephesians 5 : 18 ] and physical healing [ Matthew 4 : 23; Mark 16 : 16 - 18 ].


              ARTICLE 7  Future Plans

Section 1. Establishing local churches [ the body of Christ ] in the unreached,

Section 2. Establishing training centers and Bible Colleges,  

Section 3. Establishing Children Ministry [ Childhood Education, Sunday school, and other activities ].  

Section 4. Establishing English Service in Non- English Speaking Countries. 

Section 5. Establishing Literature ministry. 


             ARTICLE 8. Executive Committee, Power / Functions, and Advisors

Section 1: Executive Committee:

  1. President [ The Founder ]

  2. Vice President

  3. Secretary

  4. Assistant Secretary

  5. Treasurer [ USA, Japan, India, Myanmar ]

  6. Committee Members.                                                                           

 Section 2: Power and Functions:                                                                                        1. The Founder President is responsible for the management and administration of all affairs of the ministry.                                                               

2.  The Founder President is responsible to lead his fellow ministers according to God’s will.     3.  The Executive Committee is responsible for the preparation of  the calendar of events, plan and future program under the leadership of the president.                                                     4. The Executive Committee is responsible for retrospective analysis of                what went wrong in the past and how to resolve these issues going forward.                                           5. The directors are responsible for caring for their fellow ministers in the regions.                  6. All the decisions shall be made according to God’s will.  

Section 3: Advisors:

The president is responsible to choose a sufficient number of men and women of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom from different countries to be his personal advisors.


     ARTICLE 9: Term, Identity Card, Reaffirmation, and Regular update                                   Section 1: Terms:

  1. The term of every executive committee member shall be one decade [ ten years ]. 

  2. The term of every minister shall be one decade [ ten years ]


Section 2: Identity Card: Every ministers’ Identity Card [ ID ] shall be renewed once in ten years.

Section 3: Reaffirmation:

The founder & president is responsible for re-affirmation of the executive committee members and ministers.                                                                                                                   Section 4: Regular update:

Every minister shall be responsible to update his / her  individual activities and submit their results in the region to the executive committee via the directors. 


            ARTICLE 10: Properties [ worldly material things ]:

Section 1: Properties [ worldly material things ]: 

Every missionary and pastor shall be responsible for the properties [ of the Lord ] in their mission centers and in their local churches.                                                                           Section 2: Self Control:

Every Minister must seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and should control  [restrain] themselves from the love of the world [ 1 John 2 : 15,       

1 Timothy 6 : 10 - 11 ].

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